About Us


studentbody is a comprehensive set of text-based tools for student health and well being. studentbody helps students address stress, anxiety, sleep, exercise, and eating habits to improve overall health and well-being and thus, improve college and university retention. Tools include a just-in-time framework via a natural language learning [chatbot].

Poor student health and well-being is costly for the individual and their families, as well as universities and colleges. Health and well-being impacts attendance rates, academic performance, graduation rates and relatedly, university status and ranking, and alumni giving.

studentbody offers a customizable co-branded resource for universities. It does this by creating tailored use experiences, drawing from natural language learning technologies to offer trustworthy, medically accurate, evidence-based, health literate, culturally sensitive, relevant, and easy to understand health tools to improve and support college students health and well-being.
Tablet with text-based tools for student health
studentbody is:

Ask Anna, which provides real-time, instantaneous, comprehensive, confidential, and anonymous help to students through a proprietary text-based interactive program that covers thousands of health topics (e.g., sleep, stress, anxiety, reproductive health, homesickness, exercise, alcohol, infectious disease).

Text-based simulations, which prepares students for real-life discussions by simulating difficult conversations they might have with a family-member, faculty, peer, or counselor (e.g., discussing depression, sexual harassment, alcohol- or drug-related issues).

Live connect engages in HIPAA-compliant video and/or audio peer counseling and triage for university health centers.

Be urself offers curated behavior-change modules and information on food and nutrition; stress management; smoking cessation; fitness and exercise; sexual health; and sleep, delivered through an interactive, text-based application.


56% report stress to be higher than average or tremendous
32% have been diagnosed with a mental illness
31% report sleep difficulties have been traumatic or very difficult to handle at any point in the last year
81% are not getting the recommended amount of daily exercise
25% will have at least one STD by the end of their education
96% do not eat enough fruits and vegetables per day